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blog BY JJohnson ON February 19 - 0 COMMENTS
Improving the life membership Posted in
By Joel R. Johnson
“I’m a Life member going on 10 years.”
“I’m a lifer 20 years.”
“I’m 35 years old but I’m also a Life member.”
“TU Life member since ‘86.”
“I’m a life member, but I give every year.”
I often hear words like these when visiting chapters and Trout Unlimited events across the country... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Josh Duplechian ON June 17 - 0 COMMENTS
Wonder Posted in
Ty Churchwell
There is innate wonder in a boy, in any boy. We look at a mountain and wonder if it can be conquered. We see an old oak tree and wonder how high we can climb. For whatever reason, boys just need to be the masters of their environment, to be victorious over challenges.
As we... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_hunt ON June 14 - 0 COMMENTS
Costa's "Films on Tap Tour" under way Posted in
If you're an avid fly fisher... a wannabe fish bum... and you haven't seen the suite of Costa films yet, here's your chance.
Through July, Costa and its sponsor Budweiser are taking the renowned films "GeoFish" and "Jungle Fish," as well as it's series, "The Take," on the road to craft breweries... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Josh Duplechian ON June 10 - 0 COMMENTS
Green Broke Posted in
by Mark Bagett
“I’m-getting –too-old-for-this...”
My utterance had a strained, staccato cadence and was laced with enough expletives to warm even the most frost-stung ears that morning. The little paint filly had taken a half-dozen deceptively quiet steps and then all but broke in half, jumping and... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Josh Duplechian ON June 5 - 0 COMMENTS
Wyoming Public Media on the Wyoming Range Posted in
More than two dozen outdoor advocacy groups wrote the US Forest Service this week, asking it to remove almost 45,000 acres-worth of land in the Wyoming Range from consideration for oil and gas leases.
The organizations, including Trout Unlimited and the Wyoming Wildlife Federation, said the land... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_hunt ON June 1 - 0 COMMENTS
Idaho TUers convene in Pocatello Posted in
The Idaho Council of Trout Unlimited convened in Pocatello on Saturday, June 1, for its annual spring meeting. The council--including chapter leaders from Twin Falls, Boise, Pocatello, Sandpoint and Sun Valley--meets twice a year to discuss TU work all over the state.
After a morning of meetings,... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_hunt ON May 22 - 0 COMMENTS
Culverts, salmon and steelhead Posted in
By R. Chad Chorney
In Idaho, chinook salmon, steelhead and bull trout have all been listed for protection under the Endangered Species Act. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that some of the best remaining spawning and rearing habitat for these fish is found in the central part of the state... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Josh Duplechian ON April 15 - 0 COMMENTS
Monument Designation in Denver Post Posted in
TAOS — The dreamcatcher is a prominent theme around Taos and northern New Mexico, whether as the name of a quaint bed and breakfast in the heart of the Enchanted Circle or the actual Native American charms said to separate good dreams from bad.
Among fishermen along the nearby Rio Grande, the words... [ READ MORE... ]
video BY Josh Duplechian ON March 22 - 0 COMMENTS
Rio Grande del Norte National Monument Posted in
As you head north out of Santa Fe on US-285 there is a prominent overpass spanning the highway. Stamped deep in its massive upper concrete support beam, in big, bold letters that cover the entire length of the four lane interchange, are the words, “Tierra Sagrada,” — “Sacred Land.”
video BY Josh Duplechian ON March 22 - 0 COMMENTS
Rio Grande del Norte National Monument Posted in
As you head north out of Santa Fe on US-285 there is a prominent overpass spanning the highway. Stamped deep in its massive upper concrete support beam, in big, bold letters that cover the entire length of the four lane interchange, are the words, “Tierra Sagrada,” — “Sacred Land.”