Our Projects

Peshastin Mill Site

On July 2016, the Peshastin Mill site property was purchased entirely through private donations and turned over to Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife for public enjoyment and recreation. Our chapter is proud to have  worked in conjunction with the Plain Fly Tyers, the Wenatchee Valley Fly Fishers, the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, the Wenatchee Sportsmen’s Association, the Washington Fly Fishing Club Foundation, the Washington State Council of the International Federation of Fly Fishers, the International Federation of Fly Fishers itself, and Trout Unlimited to raise funds to purchase this beautiful property. “As a community we’ve just done something incredible for our children, grandchildren and their children,” said Bob Stroup, board memberof the Icicle Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited. “I’m so proud to be a part of this community.”


Please join us to celebrate this new public property on July 14, 2018, for our annual Summer Picnic. We will be provide burgers from 6-8pm at the Peshastin Mill Site.  Bring a side dish to share and  enjoy dinner as we watch the gorgeous river roll by!


Salmon Sales


In order to raise funds for our scholarships, our chapter sells locally caught and smoked salmon at Dan's Food Market and Oktoberfest. We always need volunteers to join us at our booth at Oktoberfest, so if you feel like wearing lederhosen, please volunteer for these fun weekends.